
About: Me

Why Dr. Lah?:  I’m working on my PhD & ‘Lah’ has been my nickname since childhood

Age:  30-something

Gender:  Girly Girl (my favorite color really is pink)

Relationship:  Married to my best friend/man of my dreams

Occupation:  Clinical Instructor/Doctoral Candidate

Education:  I have a LOT of it!

One day I’d like to:  1. Speak fluent Chinese (and understand it, too). 2. Travel the world, Eat Pray, Love style. 🙂

More About Me…
So, those are some stats about me…and here’s some of the story (most of the story can be found throughout my blog)…

Me in a nutshell: I’m a child of God, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, student & hoping & praying to be a mom (SOON). I am a southern girl; born, raised, & still live in Tennessee. I love to cook, decorate, work in my yard, antique (I love EVERYTHING vintage), read, travel (when I have the chance), craft (I’m a Pinterest junkie), and spend time with my family. Almost 3 years ago I began a life-changing, low-carb journey. Most people who know me would probably describe me as a little low-carb obsessed. This, however, doesn’t bother me; in fact it’s pretty much true. I admittedly am a carb addict; carbs do evil things to my body and that is why I’m low-carb obsessed.

This blog is an outlet for my low-carb obsession. I initially started the blog as an avenue for accountability. This blog began before the onset of my low-carb lifestyle, during a very dark time in my life. I continue to use this space for accountability; however, the blog has evolved into a place to help others struggling with weight issues (especially me), and those who want to learn more about low-carb living. I’ve not yet reached my goal weight, but I’ve learned to be content in the journey.

Thank you for visiting my blog; I’d love to hear from you!!! 🙂

Welcome to my blog! :)

Welcome to my blog! 🙂

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for checking out and following my blog recently! I hope you get a chance to stop by again soon and try out a recipe for yourself too. I look forward to following your posts in the future.


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